Why, Oh, Do the WriMo? & Other Writerly Efforts


Every day in November, I’m working on a thriller with romantic elements (as part of the Entangled requirements) entitled Greatest Hits. 50K is the goal, but I’m really aiming for around 80K which is more in the avenue of my chosen genre.

This week and for the next five on FRIDAY FORAGE we talk NaNoWriMo. We also get tangled in the Entangled Smackdown over at SavvyAuthors. I’ll be posting weekly updates on my word hoarding–or how I just typed it at this late hour–woarding. I like it.

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FRIDAY FORAGE – 2013/09/06



( via silverbulletx )

Happy September, everyone. Today we officially kick off the FRIDAY FORAGE Series with five of my go-to writing sites for a plethora of information and inspiration. These are five of many but these sites and the people who run them are simply aces!


1) Helping Writers Become Authors

I’m a huge fan of K.M. Weiland. Both her writing reference books and fiction are great reads. Her site has an excellent collection of articles and podcasts on the craft and business of writing. She’s active in social media, as well. I’ve enjoyed and participated in her Writing Question of the Day threads on Twitter. #WQOTD gets the community talking about things like POV, voice, protagonists strengths and weaknesses. It’s a nice way to see what other writers are up to in 140 characters or less.

Her latest reference book Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story is an excellent follow-up and complementary offering to Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to SuccessI was fortunate enough to receive an ARC for the book and a review is forthcoming–my first book review for FRIDAY FORAGE. I’m just slightly under the weather at the moment dealing with a new allergy-shot regimen that leaves my eyes looking flirtatious to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man or more accurately, what’s left of the losing contender in an MMA match.

K.M. Weiland is a great teacher and listener. I love authors that forge relationships with their readers. It’s something I hope to do someday soon. Excellent site and info.

2) Jordan McCollum

Jordan McCollum is another author that gives back to the writing community and she does it in a big way. She has several blog series covering different aspects of writing and also gives away free writing guides. Now, we all love free goodies, right? But this is so much better because it’s chock full of useful nuggets of writing wisdom that we can put into practice straight away. Doesn’t that just scream Double Rainbow?

She’s also great on Twitter and connecting with other writers. She shares more than just her writing life (and her recently published first novel, I, Spy. Congrats again!). It’s nice to know that writers are people, too. <<Gasp!>> I find it inspiring when I learn what other writers struggle with and celebrate on a daily basis.

3) Moody Writing

What have I called info that’s entertaining? Yes. Infotainment. When you head over to Moody Writing, you’ll understand why it was a winner for 2012 Top Ten Blogs for Writers. This site was definitely in good company. In fact, I’ve visited all of those sites at one point or another.

I know I’m not the only person who will look up a topic such as, say, character motivation, and look up at least five different sources on the topic. That is, different opinions, approaches, perspectives on the staples of storytelling. Hands-down, Moody Writing is always on that list.

4) The Other Side of the Story

Janice Hardy provides the world with a comprehensive treasure trove of writing tips and articles that run the gamut of the writing process, from conception to publication. Everything is organized for easy reference. There’s an endless supply of info, you’ll be clicking for days.

Don’t be intimidated by the amount of information. It might seem daunting at first, but once you get your bearings, it’s like having a complete writer’s manual at your clickable fingertips.

5) Savvy Authors

It’s no secret that Savvy is my virtual home away from home. I’ve shared my love for this writing community since I first began this blog back at the end of March. Workshops? Check. Articles? Check. Blog posts? Check. Forums? Check. The support and camaraderie at Savvy Authors makes it a mainstay in my writing life. I can’t say enough good things about them.

I don’t think there’s been a week that I haven’t had an ongoing workshop since I dove in back in late November last year. I’m going to wear out an old saying but seriously, my writing? Leaps and bounds. Leaps and countless bounds of improvement. One thing I can say is the writing journey never ends and you’re constantly learning. There are great people here that will help nurture your craft and help you grow as a writer.


There you have it. Just five of my favorite writing finds. It’s a nice way to start off what I hope to be a great blog series.

If you haven’t already, I hope you take a look at each site and maybe stay awhile. Then put all that awesome knowledge back into your WIPs. You’re writing will thank you for it.


(  via __marion__ )

FRIDAY FORAGE – 2013/08/23

The Forage Begins

TGIF, everyone. Thank goodness I’ve foraged! Two weeks left in August and come September my FRIDAY FORAGE series really kicks off. I’ll have a weekly round-up of writerly and/or other creative and inspiring sites and blog posts. I’ll also post some book reviews here, as well, the first being K.M. Weiland‘s forthcoming Structuring Your NovelI’m excited for this series and look forward to the finds.

In the meantime, my YA Fantasy WIP, Aaralyn’s Song, is going well and the POV experiment is providing me with insight as to possible protagonists in upcoming books in the series, including novellas.

While my Uke won’t be playable until tomorrow, I’ve rekindled my bond with mi amigo Duolingo. Keeping my brain creative and my digits well-rested this month. All good things on the writerly front.

Have a splendiferous weekend!

#ROW80 Mid-Week Check-In 2013/08/21



My WIP, Aaralyn’s Song, is a YA Fantasy. Some themes are of the darker variety, but this successful POV experiment has brought out edgier sides to my characters. I’d say AugNoWriMo is going superbly. 🙂


I’m swamped but getting through my reading:  K.M. Weiland‘s forthcoming Structuring Your Novel and the WIP excerpts from fellow SCBWI critique group members.


Accountability continues with #wipmadness check-ins on Candilynn Fite’s blog and #ROW80 check-ins, along with updates at Ali Luke’s Writers’ Huddle. Still, I should be held more accountable for my lag in reading. 😦


SavvyAuthors‘ 2013 Summer Symposium started today. As if I wasn’t overwhelmed–in a good way–with my current workshops. The next five days are full of ace material to learn from.

My buddy Bilbo Watson is under the weather. I ran some errands yesterday only to come home to find one of his strings popped. Turns out the string wasn’t long enough and the knot unravelled. I made some phone calls and here are my options:

1) Take him back to the store where they’ll restring him for free (labor is free but I’m not sure about the string. Mind you, it didn’t break, it’s just short so the same thing might happen again). Pro: FREE Con: It’s an hour commute.

2) Take him to a music shop nearby (15mins away). Pro: much closer Con: They only sell packs of strings not individual, so that’s around $10 plus another $10 for labor.

Ugh. It’s been 36 hours since I last played. I’ll go grab my sister’s guitar but it won’t be the same. Do I opt for convenience at a higher price or go the cheaper route that makes for a more tiring day? I have some mulling over to do.

Other than that, things are going swell. Swelling, too. Like my arm from where I got my allergy shot yesterday. Oh, the summer drama continues! ;p

Week in Review – 2013/08/12 – 2013/08/18



The POV experiment continues with Aaralyn’s Song, so far. AugNoWriMo is more than half over but the progress continues.


This week I’m continuing K.M. Weiland‘s forthcoming Structuring Your Novel and the WIP excerpts from fellow SCBWI critique group members. I fell behind on the reading but will try and get some of it done today and by midweek. Grrr.


Despite the Grrrs, #wipmadness check-ins on Candilynn Fite’s blog and #ROW80 check-ins, along with updates at Ali Luke’s Writers’ Huddle are keeping surprisingly sane and accountable.


I have a couple of SavvyAuthors classes that shall help in characterization and subplots. While I continue to dig through my already purchased courses, there’s something to be said about real-time feedback. Huzzah.

Later in the Week Savvy is hosting its 2013 Summer Symposium and I’m super excited about that. So much info and it’s free to members! At $30 for non-members (the annual dues, by the by) there’s no excuse for you not to join this fantabulous group of writers and other lovelies in the industry.

As my calluses further develop, I had a lovely day out with the Sisterhood yesterday. Good company, good food and took home my new friend. His name is Bilbo Watson. I’ll give you three guesses as to how I came up with that name.

Once I’m all spiffy on the Uke, I plan on expanding my strumming horizons to the mandolin, lute, and eventually the cello. YUP. Incidentally, I got to play around with a U-Bass. That is SOOOOO cool. I love doing creative things when I’m not writing. Keeps the noggin’ full of ideas. 🙂

Play/Write on!