Brain FREEZE, But Not in the Way You Think



I’m in drafting overload for NaNoWriMo & Entangled Smackdown over at SavvyAuthors, on this sixth day.

I’m glad I got higher numbers in the first few days because today, as much as I wanted to get the words out, my brain kept freezing up. It’s like when the TV remote is stuck and the channels keep changing at random. All the scenes of the story flash in my brain faster than I can process and type. So much story is exhausting sometimes.


I suppose it’s a good idea to look at fresh words (and not written by me) to reboot my creative mojo. Good thing I have plenty to choose from my endless TBR list.


Go #Fire_Divas! My Entangled team is doing well. I’m also back checking in with #wipmadness. Everyone’s plugging away this November. 🙂


K.M. Weiland‘s webinar Outlining Your Novel: Create a Roadmap to Storytelling Success is tomorrow. I actually think I’ll focus on a different story for this to give my synapses something else to fire up about. Maybe the ‘change of scenery’ will help with my visual overload.

How goes it in your writerly world?

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