Snippy Winds, Snappy ‘Tudes, & Happiness Along the Way


Ooh, the weather has a bite to it. Don’t let the sunshine deceive you, the wind will slap reality through to your bones.

Yes, I chose to walk up and down West Broadway on Friday. It’s good exercise. And you can be certain that it’s at a brisk pace to match the brisk wind. You can also be certain that my period stops along the way were primarily for the shop heaters with a far second for actual shopping.

Rather than deal with that, why not work on various writing projects from the comforts of ANY indoor location? I’m not picky, at this point.


I’m having a nice time revisiting Aaralyn’s Song. I’ve been fighting off the urge to entertain the new ideas that keep popping into my head. I think I get at least two ideas a day.

To keep myself occupied when I’m not working on WIPs, I’m writing ahead for my FRIDAY FORAGE series for the month, WHAT YOU KNOW. My original plan was to write these posts in advance. Alas, life got on the way.

I’ll be one of the blog hosts for next years March Madness for my #wipmadness peeps. It’ll be the first time I host a blog hop, so it should be interesting. Unless the nefarious demons of procrastination prevail, I’ll get cracking on theme ideas this week.


Memo to self, keep emotions in check when reading in public. I’m in the middle of Jennifer A. Nielsen‘s The Runaway KingI don’t want to spoil it for anyone but I will mention a tender moment that catches the protagonist off-guard. In the midst of the turmoil thrust upon him, this moment reminds the reader that he is still in fact a child just wanting to be loved. Gah! The sobs.

I’m also reading comp titles to see where my WIPs can fit in this literary world. A bonus is these books all get crossed off my TBR list.


I laptop sorta died last week. I bought some extra storage to back up files and remove anything that’s taking up needed space and preventing the machine from running smoothly. I’m just glad it didn’t fizzle during the chat I modded. I aim to have the transcripts of the chat ready to post on the forums early this week, fingers and toes crossed.


Language, music, and patience.

‘Tis the season, is it not?

What’s worse than overzealous shoppers in a crowded mall? Overzealous holiday shoppers in a crowded mall. Yes, I shop for special occasions, but over the years, I’ve grown to love buying gifts whenever inspiration strikes. If I see something I know someone will like, I either keep in mind as part of a larger gift idea or buy it straight away and give accordingly.

Naturally, I love to receive gifts, but as they say, it’s better to give than to receive. I get super excited when I see other people happy and that I did or or said something to create that happiness. It’s a good feeling.

That is why I’m sticking to the good feelings and learning patience. Some people choose to be oblivious to their surroundings and tend to lack even the most modest forms of common courtesy. Others are very set in their ways and aren’t willing to adapt.

Let’s spread some cheer, especially toward the poor souls in retail and customer service who must endure holiday hours. Been there, done that, and totally sympathize. Do yourself a karmic favor and at least smile at someone each day. The universe will be a happier place.

Have a great week!

5 thoughts on “Snippy Winds, Snappy ‘Tudes, & Happiness Along the Way

  1. Smiling at others, no matter the season, seems the best way to approach life. Just my thoughts on the matter, but I suspect you agree.

    #wipmadness… I know I probably asked you what that was, Tonette, but lately I have a mind with the holding capacity of a sieve. Could you explain it again, please? I’m curious. Is the theme something you choose and people have to write about or…

    • I do, indeed. Agree, that is. Also, smiles are free. It even says so on the McDonalds drive-thru menu (or it did ten years ago. Haven’t been to one lately.)

      I’m not sure if you have asked me about #wipmadness, but good question. Like #ROW80, it’s a collective of supportive writers (of various genres). We do check-ins every Monday, but rather than blogging updates on our own sites, we visit whomever is hosting for that month. It’s year-round support. In March, they have March Madness. 2014 will be my third year with them and my first year hosting. There will be seven writers hosting, one per day. For instance, I might have all the Saturdays for March. We start the month stating our goals for our various projects and it’s ongoing support, pep-talks, celebration and commiseration. There are giveaways during the month to random commenters so there’s plenty of fun to be had, as well. I’m already planning my themes to be geekified. 🙂 When you see the hashtag #wipmadness on my tweets that’s also for the group to follow each other in Twitterland. Feel free to join in at any time of year. Splendiferous people, they are.

      • Ooh! I like it. I will definitely have to check it out. Thank you, Tonette.

        And smiles are free at McD’s, but not in Hollywood. 😀

        • I’ve never been to ‘wood. I can only imagine the cost of frozen smiles and faces (to those applicable, of course). Personally, I like laugh lines. They give character to this character. ;-D Happy New Year!

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